Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Iqbal was more than a poet or philosopher: Dr Javed

LAHORE: Justice (R) Dr Javed Iqbal, the son of poet laureate Allama Mohammad Iqbal said the Ulema of subcontinent have neglected the ‘dynamic’ aspects of Iqbal’s thought due to considering him just a poet or philosopher.

Dr Javed expressed these views while addressing a seminar on ‘Iqbal and present day Pakistan’ organised by Iqbal Academy Pakistan and Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman Memorial Society at the occasion of 133rd Iqbal Day on Monday.

Dr Javed read out his thesis on: ‘Islamic State of Pakistan in the Ideology of Iqbal – How to achieve an ideal secular state’.

He said the ability of a nation for being talented and powerful lies in its capacity of bringing up unique and distinctive personalities.

‘Allama Iqbal also urged for encouraging the creation of self-identifying individuals’, he added.

Meanwhile, on this occasion renowned Religious Scholar Dr Israr Ahmed said that Allama Iqbal was a harbinger of the renaissance of Islamic Millat and resurgence of Islam as well.

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